New Year : A 52-Week (Quick!) Decluttering Challenge

In the spirit of the new year, and creating more physical (and mental) space to enjoy life, I’ve created a 52-week decluttering challenge! You know that feeling when everything in your home is in its place? No searching for the car keys in the morning rush, no stumbling over toys on the way to the bathroom at night, no obstacles between you and your clothes in the closet? Ahhhh.

If you’re like me, and the state of your home has an impact on your daily peace of mind, join me in conquering the clutter. Even if you pick just one or two items to tackle, that’s more things than were organized last year, right? Quick wins are the name of the game - we’re in this for sanity, not stress! Click here to access the 52-week checklist, then let’s get started!

Set the Stage:

We’re in this for the long haul so if you can, pick a room where you can store some bins, boxes, or Trader Joe’s bags (guilty!) for sorting items. Label them: recycle, donate, fix, and sell.

Weekly Goal:

Pick an item, any item. Busy week? Do your bedside table. Home alone with no plans? Tackle a closet! Keep it stress-free and doable.


In this crazy season of life, there’s no time for a full-out Marie Kondo. We’re opting for sprints - 15 to 20-minute intervals of focused decluttering between life’s other to-dos.

Plan the best time to squeeze in your sprints, and commit to however many it takes to accomplish your goal. If you’re working on a bigger clean out, set mini-goals for yourself. For example, if you’re doing your closet, start with one category like shoes or sweaters; if you’re doing the kitchen pantry, do one shelf at a time.

Decisions, Decisions:

Decide what “sparks joy”, and bid farewell to the rest. If it's not worn, used, or treasured, toss it into the appropriate bin:

  • Recycle: Show Mother Earth some love! For difficult-to-recycle items look into feel-good (and convenient!) sustainability-focused services such as Ridwell.

  • Donate: Spread the love. If you don’t already have a go-to charity, a quick Google search should turn up a variety of organizations - from rescue missions, to thrift stores, to schools - that will gladly take your treasures!

  • Fix: Anything that needs repaired or altered goes here. This can also be a spot for things that could be repurposed (that old tee might be the perfect canvas for a tie-dye masterpiece!).

  • Resale: This option takes some patience if you go the consignment shop or online marketplace route. My time-saving go-to for clothing is ThredUp. It’s as easy as printing a label, sending in your items, and getting paid with cash or shopping credits!

Keeping it Clean

Once decluttered, arm yourself with organizational weapons – bins, boxes, drawer organizers, and baskets are your friends. A life-changer for me was putting a "F*#$-it Bucket" (sorry, mom!) in every room. Just toss clutter into the appropriate basket, and deal with it weekly, monthly, or whenever you decide you’re ready. Quick, easy, and sanity-saving!

Bonus Assignment

For an extra boost (that you can listen to as you declutter!), check out James Clear's "Atomic Habits". It's an annual read for me that’s like a cheat code for building habits and making small, impactful changes. Apply those lessons to this challenge and you’ll see how doing 1% better each day adds up to major progress!

Good luck to you whether you're tackling the kitchen pantry or bravely facing the bottomless abyss that is the junk drawer. Let's declutter, reclaim our time, and revel in the serenity of a chaos-free space together. Cheers!


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